WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Month: November 2017

Understanding the Link Between Poverty and Food Insecurity Among Children: Does the Definition of Poverty Matter?

The point estimates show that the associations are stronger as measured by the new supplemental measure of income-to-needs ratio than when estimated through the official measure. Statistical tests reject the hypothesis that poor households’ odds of experiencing low food security are the same whether the SPM or OPM measure is used; but the tests do not reject the hypothesis when very low food security is the outcome.

Few Changes in Food Security and Dietary Intake From Short-term Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Among Low-income Massachusetts Adults

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program participation was not associated with improved household food security over 3 months. Compared with non-participants, SNAP participants increased refined grain intake by 1.1 serving/d , from baseline to follow-up. No associations were observed with other foods, nutrients, or dietary quality.

From Nutrition to Public Policy: Improving Healthy Food Access by Enhancing Farm-to-Table Legislation in Louisiana

This project demonstrates how research and sharing of best practices are essential steps to the policymaking process and how such work can unite the health and agriculture communities to foster improvements in access to healthy food. The NPT was not involved in the drafting of specific legislation; however, communications with key stakeholders and policymakers inspired the political champion to prioritize farm-to-table policies during the legislative session. The NPT encourages others to disseminate findings from policy analyses to policymakers.

Food Insecurity Across the First Five Years: Triggers of Onset and Exit

Results suggest that residential moves and declines in maternal or child health are associated with transitioning into food insecurity, whereas increases in the number of adults in the household are associated with exits from food insecurity. Changes in income and maternal depression are associated with both entrances and exits.

Promoting Health in Early Childhood

Some programs and policies have failed to show consistent results. But the good news is that others are quite effective at improving early childhood health. The most successful include the (WIC), universal immunization, and high-quality, center-based early childhood care and education. Economic analyses reveal that these programs' benefits outweigh their costs, suggesting that public spending to support them is more than justified.