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Publication Date

March 1, 2008


Journal Article

Breastfeeding Intentions Among Low-Income Pregnant and Lactating Women

By Hill G, Arnett D, Mauk E


Objectives: Provide a better understanding of the process used by low-income pregnant/postpartum women when deciding whether to breastfeed or not.

Methods: Pregnant/postpartum women admitted to an obstetrics floor completed a survey to determine breastfeeding intention (n=88).

Results: Subjects were primarily Hispanic and African American women. Beliefs and referent other were related positively to attitude and subjective norm, respectively. Subjective norm was related positively to intention to breastfeed. Breastfeeding knowledge was low.

Conclusions: Others’ opinions clearly influence feeding intentions among this population of low-income women. Inclusion of these significant others, family, and friends within the breastfeeding education process is warranted.

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Date Added
March 16, 2018

Hill G, Arnett D, Mauk E (2008) Breastfeeding Intentions Among Low-Income Pregnant and Lactating Women. American Journal Of Health Behavior: Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 125-136. Available online: https://doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.32.2.2