The USBC is pleased to announce the 2021 three-part webinar series: Unpacking Commercial Milk Formula Marketing: Communities, Contexts, and Impacts. This series marks the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and is part of an effort to create shared understanding of commercial milk formula marketing practices and the disparate impact of marketing practices on communities in the U.S. and around the world.
Our distinguished panelists will describe the international contexts of commercial milk formula marketing practices and impacts, as well as the role the U.S. plays in the global community. They will discuss the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, which was published in 1981, but has yet to be adopted in the United States, while highlighting potentially useful shifts in language and approach moving forward. They will share tools for recognizing and tracking commercial milk formula marketing practices in the United States. Key findings will be shared from the 2018 “U.S. Access to Nutrition Index,” which included evaluation of three major manufacturers of infant formula and other products marketed as a partial or total replacement for breast milk. The presentation will include Q&A with the panelists.