Publication Date
March 21, 2022
WIC Field Note
New Hampshire WIC Targeted Outreach to SNAP and Medicaid Recipients
By Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
New Hampshire WIC receives daily files from the SNAP and Medicaid programs that contain names and contact information for WIC-eligible households recently determined to be eligible for SNAP and/or Medicaid. The file is dropped into a dashboard that is accessible to local WIC staff on a standalone landing page, and it is set up to show information for households that reside in the service area of the local agency accessing the dashboard. The local WIC staff first check to determine if the household is already receiving WIC. If they are, the staff may call the family to confirm updated contact information if it is different from what is in the WIC record. If the household is not already enrolled in WIC, the staff can import the information from the dashboard into the New Hampshire WIC system to create a record and then initiate an enrollment appointment for them. Because the information comes directly from SNAP and Medicaid, these families are adjunctively income eligible and they also meet residence eligibility. Local staff track the status of households included in the dashboard and they can filter the information to easily find pending families that need to be contacted. The dashboard data can also be exported to Excel for additional sorting and tracking. New Hampshire WIC used FY 2020 WIC Infrastructure Funds for costs associated with implementing this process. For more information, contact Lissa Sirois at
Date Added
March 22, 2022