WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Fact Sheet

Advancing Health Equity to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion (AHEAD) in WIC Case Study: DePaul Community Health Centers

By National WIC Association

In 2019, the National WIC Association (NWA) received a grant from the Walmart Foundation to support a two-year project aimed at Advancing Health Equity to Achieve Diversity & Inclusion (AHEAD) in WIC. As part of their efforts to advance equity, NWA partnered with seven local WIC agencies to pilot promising practices to create infrastructure and encourage organizational change to support equitable access to WIC services. DePaul WIC Community Health Center in New Orleans received funding from AHEAD to pilot a project to develop and implement a screening and referral process, with the assistance of a hired Health Navigator, to address the social determinants of health in WIC families. This case study details their project implementation, results, and lessons learned.

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Date Added
September 2, 2022

National WIC Association. Advancing Health Equity to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion (AHEAD) in WIC Case Study: DePaul Community Health Centers. August 2022. Available at:https://thewichub.org/collection/advancing-health-equity-to-achieve-diversity-inclusion-ahead-in-wic-project/ Available online: https://media.nwica.org/ahead-depaulfinal.pdf