Child participation and retention in WIC have declined in recent years. Beginning in 2019, five local WIC agencies in four states partnered with HPRIL to implement and evaluate innovation projects aimed at retaining children in WIC. This presentation will focus on the impacts of the local agency project at Miami-Dade WIC which implemented a customized digital marketing campaign. Customization of imagery, language, and messaging was key to appropriately target the multi-cultural community the agency serves. To evaluate the impact of the implementation on child participation and retention, HPRIL employed a quasi-experimental model which compared an innovation group to a comparison group. Outcomes of interest were recertification, retention, and participation. Propensity score weighting and difference-in-difference modeling were used to estimate impact. Miami-Dade’s innovation was positively associated with recertification, retention, and participation. These findings indicate that local agency innovations aimed at expanding engagement with participants are highly feasible, acceptable among WIC-eligible families, and have the potential to positively impact child participation and retention in WIC.