A Sweet Collaboration: Enhancing Breastfeeding and Increasing Access to Healthy Foods Through Community Partnerships in Tattnall County, GA – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
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A Sweet Collaboration: Enhancing Breastfeeding and Increasing Access to Healthy Foods Through Community Partnerships in Tattnall County, GA

By Southeast Health District

Southeast Health District presented this poster highlighting their local work on breastfeeding and healthy food access. This poster was presented at NWA’s Annual Conference in April 2017 and was created as part of the CPHMC project.

The Southeast Health District, formed the group “Mommy & Me, Healthy as Can Be” to make being healthy an easy task in Tattnall, GA. Increasing the number of people in Tattnall County with access to healthy, fresh foods and increasing the amount of breastfeeding friendly businesses was top on the Mommy and Me list. “Mommy and Me” partnered with Meadows Regional Medical Center who shares the vision to accomplish this by making Tattnall County a breastfeeding friendly community. This relationship has spawned a wide-range of businesses & organizations that not only publicly promote & welcome breastfeeding, but also stand to support the health of women & children. Following 40+ businesses pledging to become breastfeeding friendly (and growing), we have received permission through our partnership with the local library system, to install two community gardens. This lot allowed a community garden to be built for citizens to pick their own local, fresh foods. A homerun was made when this same library system jumped on board to be one of the first businesses to become breastfeeding friendly in Tattnall County.

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Date Added
December 5, 2017

Southeast Health District (2017) A Sweet Collaboration: Enhancing Breastfeeding and Increasing Access to Healthy Foods Through Community Partnerships in Tattnall County, GA. Available online: https://thewichub.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/2017/12/SEHD-Poster-Final.pdf