Idaho WIC Authorized Food List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare.
Iowa WIC Program Approved Foods An official list of approved WIC foods from the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Hawaii WIC Approved Food List An official list of approved WIC foods from the DOH Hawaii WIC Services Branch.
Guam WIC Approved Foods List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Guam WIC Program – Dept. of Public Health and Social Services.
Georgia WIC Approved Foods List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Georgia State WIC Program.
Delaware WIC Program Authorized Food List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Delaware Health and Human Services-State.
District of Columbia WIC Authorized Foods List An official list of approved WIC foods from the District of Columbia Department of Health (DOH)-WIC.
Connecticut WIC Approved Food Guide An official list of approved WIC foods from the Connecticut WIC Program.
Colorado WIC Allowable Foods List Brochure An official list of approved WIC foods from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.