Indiana WIC Approved Foods List An official list of approved WIC foods from Indiana State Department of Health -WIC.
Idaho WIC Vendor Guide A state WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants.
Idaho WIC Authorized Food List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare.
Iowa WIC Program Vendor Guidance An Iowa Department of Public Health WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Iowa.
Iowa WIC Program Approved Foods An official list of approved WIC foods from the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Hawaii WIC Vendor Information and Manual A DOH Hawaii WIC Services Branch publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Hawaii.
Hawaii WIC Approved Food List An official list of approved WIC foods from the DOH Hawaii WIC Services Branch.
Guam WIC Approved Foods List An official list of approved WIC foods from the Guam WIC Program – Dept. of Public Health and Social Services.
Georgia WIC Procedures Manual & State Plan 2017 Guidance for local WIC agencies in Georgia on how to deliver WIC services in line with Georgia State WIC Program policies and procedures and an annual plan that details Georgia […]
Georgia WIC Program Vendor Handbook A Georgia State WIC Program publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Georgia.