WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub


Statement on Progress Towards the Gold Standard

The following statement was made on September 10, 2016, at the National WIC Association’s Nutrition Education & Breastfeeding Promotion Conference in Denver, Colorado, by its then board of directors chair, […]

National WIC Program Data

How WIC Helps The United States of America Includes statistics on WIC participants by category, breastfeeding rates, and more for the entire United States

WIC Participation and Breastfeeding Among White and Black Mothers: Data from Mississippi

This study investigated the association between WIC participation and breastfeeding behaviors among white and black women in Mississippi. analysis of data from the 2004;2008 Mississippi Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System revealed that 52.2 % of white women and 82.1 % of black women participated in WIC. A total of 60.4 % of white women and 39.7 % of black women initiated breastfeeding, and 26.5 % and 21.9 %, respectively, were breastfeeding at 10 weeks postpartum. WIC participation was negatively associated with breastfeeding initiation among whites, but not blacks.