NWA Staff and Altarum Institute partners hosted a webinar sharing tips for using community needs to inform and select interventions for the community action plan required for the CPHMC project. […]
NWA Staff and Altarum Institute partners hosted this webinar with an overview of the components of the Community Action Plan (CAP) template that agencies were required to use during the […]
NWA Staff hosted this webinar to provide project coordinators from the CPHMC project with information about how to keep health equity at the center of the project. This webinar is […]
NWA created this toolkit to provide support for work on engaging providers. This toolkit focused on ACOG’s engagement in the CPHMC project, the role of the OB/GYN provider, as well […]
NWA hosted a Green RX webinar with expert speakers, Skye Cornell from Wholesome Wave, and Ellie Fausold from DC Greens who spoke on best practices for implementing Green Rx initiatives […]
NWA Staff and ACOG Partners hosted a webinar with guidance on how to engage providers in community health projects. This webinar is a resource for agencies looking to build or […]
NWA Staff and partners hosted a webinar with Dr. Rethy from Loudoun County, Virginia and Dr. Thompson from Racine Kenosha, Wisconsin to share best practices on how to engage providers […]
NWA created this survey to provide guidance for the community needs assessment as part of the CPHMC project. This survey includes sample questions to assess the local WIC shopping and […]
NWA received a 3-year cooperative agreement from the CDC’s Division of Community Health to fund 30 local WIC agencies in select target states to work with community partners to build and enhance community partnerships, perform community needs assessments, and develop and implement strategies to achieve community health goals. As part of this initiative, NWA created this checklist to assist with local needs assessments.
NWA created this template to provide guidance on the community action plan (CAP), which was a required component of the CPHMC project. The CAP is the work plan that was […]