WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
Publication Date

May 19, 2023



The Secret Ingredient Campaign

By National WIC Association

In 2022, the United States faced an unprecedented crisis in infant feeding due to a nationwide shortage of formula and recalls of leading formula brands. This had serious implications for families across the country. Because of the impact this had on WIC participants, NWA aims to provide guidance on what caregivers can do to best inform infant feeding practices. Recognizing the challenges faced by caregivers in making the right choices amidst a sea of advice, NWA is launching an educational and creative campaign called “The Secret Ingredient.” This campaign intends to reassure caregivers that the key to successful infant feeding lies in obtaining the necessary education and support – of which WIC is a primary resource for low-income families. By being well-informed about infant feeding options, whether through human milk or formula, caregivers can overcome challenges and be better prepared for any crises they may face. Here is a link to a strategy guide to help you best employ this campaign for your organization.

“The Secret Ingredient” campaign takes a highly personalized approach by showcasing the real experiences of diverse, WIC parents and children. It aims to:

  • Acknowledge and directly confront challenges related to infant feeding.
  • Establish trust by being honest and transparent in its messaging.
  • Highlight the uniqueness of each caregiving experience.
  • Combat stigma by portraying private experiences in a public setting.
  • Evoke an emotional response in viewers, with the intention of boosting confidence in caregivers.
  • Promoting WIC as a primary resource for infant feeding education

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Date Added
May 19, 2023