Wood County Breastfeeding Resource Guides & Lactation Referral Form – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Resource Guide

Wood County Breastfeeding Resource Guides & Lactation Referral Form

By Wood County Health Department

Wood County created these resource guides and lactation referral form as part of their local work on breastfeeding during the CPHMC project. This guide provides information on Wood County Public Health and WIC services related to ?Prenatal Breastfeeding Education, ?Breastfeeding Consultations (home visits available), Breastfeeding Follow-Ups, Breastfeeding Support Groups, and Breastfeeding Equipment/Accessories.

Located in rural Central Wisconsin, Wood County has a high population of residents with limited access to healthy foods, opportunities for physical activity and limited referrals for appropriate services. The Wood County Health Department, through the collaboration with the Community Partnerships for Healthy Mothers and Children project, has implemented policy, systems, and environmental change by cultivating community partnerships in various settings to increase access to healthy foods, physical activity, and breastfeeding services, as well as develop a framework for sustainability for years to come. The policy, systems and environmental changes made through this grant work will greatly improve the health, as well as health equity, in Wood County.

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Date Added
December 11, 2017

Wood County Health Department (2017) Breastfeeding Resource Guides & Lactation Referral Form. Available online: https://thewichub.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/2017/12/Wood-BF-Resources-combined.pdf