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Healthcare Provder Toolkit: Establishing Referral and Data Sharing Processes with Healthcare Providers

By National WIC Association

“As an evidence-based, targeted intervention associated with improved health outcomes forits participants, WIC is critical to strengthening the healthcare system’s efforts to improvematernal and child health. While many healthcare providers understand the value of enhanced coordination with WIC, few have established standardized or electronic WIC referral channels, often relying on paper and fax, or encouraging their patient to contact WIC. In addition to referrals, there are opportunities for healthcare providers such as pediatricians, OBGYNs, etc., and WIC to establish data sharing systems, whereby dataalready collected in the physician’s office that is needed for WIC certification is securely shared with WIC to streamline the enrollment process and reduce burden on both WIC participants and staff. Improving coordination with healthcare providers can not only increase referral volume, but also has the potential to get eligible families connected withWIC earlier so they can benefit from all of WIC’s services…”

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Date Added
July 31, 2024

National WIC Association (2024) Establishing Referral and Data Sharing Processes with Healthcare Providers. Available online: https://media.nwica.org/kp%20hcp%20toolkit.pdf