WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
Publication Date

June 1, 2023


Breastfeeding Welcome Here Guide

By Pennsylvania Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

The Breastfeeding Welcome Here Guide provides resources and guidance to businesses and employers on how they can support breast/chestfeeding parents in the facilities. Information includes laws, sample checklists, and resources for businesses and employers.

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Date Added
September 24, 2024

Pennsylvania First Food. (2023). WIC and breastfeeding: A guide for WIC agencies and health professionals. https://www.pafirstfood.org/_files/ugd/c01f67_802c17ed228b40cdb723f1d07c27a334.pdf Available online: https://www.pafirstfood.org/_files/ugd/c01f67_802c17ed228b40cdb723f1d07c27a334.pdf