Publication Date
October 1, 2018
WIC Outreach and Retention Survey Report
By National WIC Association
“The WIC program is facing caseload declines across the country. WIC participation has fallen from a high of 9.2 million participants in 2010 to a current participation level of around 7 million participants. We know that many factors contribute to caseload declines, including an improving economy and declining birthrates, which are outside WIC’s control. However, we also know that some factors leading to declining caseloads are within WIC’s control. These include, but are not limited to:
- Lack of awareness or understanding of WIC
- Negative perceptions of WIC
- Lack of referrals to WIC
- Barriers to applying for WIC
- Transportation issues
- Difficulties with the WIC shopping experience and clinic experience…”
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Date Added
March 5, 2019
National WIC Association (2018) WIC Outreach and Retention Survey Report. Available online: