WIC Food Instrument Redemption in Dollar Amount by County for FY2015 Map of redemption rates in dollars by county for FY2015
WIC Food Instrument Redemption in Dollar Amount by County for FY2014 Map of redemption rates in dollars by county for FY2014
WIC Food Instrument Redemption in Dollar Amount by County for FY2013 Map of redemption rates in dollars by county for FY2013
WIC Food Instrument Redemption in Dollar Amount by County for FY2012 Map of redemption rates in dollars by county for FY2012
WIC Food Instrument Redemption in Dollar Amount by County for FY2011 Map of redemption rates in dollars by county for FY2011
Idaho WIC Vendor Guide A state WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants.
Iowa WIC Program Vendor Guidance An Iowa Department of Public Health WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Iowa.
Hawaii WIC Vendor Information and Manual A DOH Hawaii WIC Services Branch publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Hawaii.
Georgia WIC Program Vendor Handbook A Georgia State WIC Program publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Georgia.
Florida WIC Vendor Handbook A Florida Department of Health WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Florida.