WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
Publication Date

February 7, 2023



Factsheet for Parents: Dairy Milk vs. Plant Milks for Toddlers & Young Kids

By Kirsten Arm, Lauren Dawson, Megan Lott

This resource was developed as a guide to help parents and caregivers choose the most nutritionally appropriate dairy milk alternative for their toddler or young child who cannot consume dairy milk. The first page of the factsheet includes information on why dairy milk is recommended for toddlers and young kids, how plant milks are nutritionally different from dairy milk, when plant milks are appropriate for young children, and what plant milks are the most appropriate in the case of lactose intolerance, allergy, or family preferences. This resource also provides a table comparing cow’s milk to common plant milks ranking them from best (green) to worst (red) when it comes to young children’s nutritional needs. Also included in the factsheet is information on the price of these beverages compared to cow’s milk so that parents and caregivers can make informed purchasing decisions based on their budget. Finally, the resource provides a chart of the key nutrients to look for when selecting a plant milk for young children and explanations for why each nutrient is important for growth and development.

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Date Added
February 7, 2023