Loudoun County’s “It’s Water Time!” Program – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
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Loudoun County’s “It’s Water Time!” Program

By Loudoun County Health Department

Loudoun County created this toolkit to highlight their local work on water consumption in preschool and elementary school classrooms as part of the CPHMC project. The “It’s Water Time!” water promotion campaign was created for use in preschool to elementary school classrooms.

Loudoun County, VA is a rapidly growing and diversifying county. Between 2000 and 2010, the county saw an 84% population change compared to just a 9% change in the rest of the state. During the same time period in Loudoun, the Hispanic population increased by 282% and the Asian population increased by 407% contributing to diversification. In our community, Hispanic families are 4 times more likely than non-Hispanic families to live below the federal poverty line. The Loudoun Pediatric Obesity Coalition (LPOC) was formed in 2013 and currently has more than 50 members from over 35 diverse community organizations working to create a culture of health for all families in Loudoun County by improving access to community resources, physical activity, and healthy food. The coalition was built and thrives on a strong partnership between LPOC, the Loudoun County Health Department (LCHD), and George Mason University. This partnership allowed the coalition to conduct a thorough community needs assessment in 2015, which led to the identification of objectives to be targeted through the Community Partnerships for Healthy Mothers and Children (CPHMC) project.

View the “Water Time!” video below.

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Date Added
December 11, 2017

Loudoun County Health Department (2017) “It’s Water Time!” Program for Use in Preschool and Elementary School Classrooms. Available online: https://thewichub.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/2017/12/LCHD-Its-Water-Time-Program-for-Preschool-Elementary.pdf