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WIC Field Note

Minnesota WIC Online Application

By Minnesota WIC Program

MN WIC Online Application

Minnesota WIC’s online application is available to make it easier for those interested in applying for the WIC program.  The link, “Apply for WIC” , is located on the top of the Minnesota Women, Infants & Children (WIC) homepage and the Am I Eligible for WIC? page, as well as on the left navigation pane.  After selecting the link, applicants can fill out eligibility information and upload documents.  This information is automatically routed to the appropriate WIC local agency, based on the applicant’s county or tribal government, through an encrypted email.

Emails with applicant information include:

  • Informed Consent
  • Household Demographics
  • WIC History
  • Income Eligibility (applicant can upload proof of income)
  • Household Member Information (applicant can upload proof of address and identity)
  • Contact Preferences

The local agency follows up with the applicant to schedule an appointment and uses the applicant information included in the email to complete the certification.
The application uses the REDCap secure web application.

For more information, contact health.wic@state.mn.us.

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Date Added
June 9, 2021