Presentation – Page 2 – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Resource Types: Presentation

CPHMC Presentation: Cohort #1 Best Practices

NWA created this presentation to provide guidance on best practices learned from Cohort #1 of the CPHMC project. This slideshow included best practices and resources on the following subjects: Process […]

Wood County Grocer’s Meeting Presentation

Wood County created this presentation to highlight their local work on healthy food retail as part of the CPHMC project. This presentation includes information for food retailers about survey results, […]

Wood County WIC at a Glance Training

Wood County created this WIC 101 Training to highlight their local work on WIC referrals. This presentation included basic information about WIC including staff, eligibility, the four pillars of WIC, […]

CCI WIC Outreach Presentation

CCI created this presentation to highlight their local work on WIC Outreach and strengthening referrals networks during the CPHMC project. This WIC 101 presentation was used to explain the program […]

Angelina County WIC 101 Slides

Angelina County created this powerpoint presentation as part of their local work on WIC 101 Trainings during the CPHMC project. This training outlines the WIC program, benefits and types of […]

The Habit-Forming Effect of Subsidies: Evidence from WIC

WIC vouchers change purchasing decisions consistent with the nutritional guidelines of the program. However, we find that households exposed longer to the revised package are generally not more likely to continue to purchase these items after eligibility ends.