Publication Date
September 10, 2016
Statement on Progress Towards the Gold Standard
By National WIC Association
The following statement was made on September 10, 2016, at the National WIC Association’s Nutrition Education & Breastfeeding Promotion Conference in Denver, Colorado, by its then board of directors chair, Donna Bister. For more information, see the National WIC Association’s press release and FAQs on this topic.
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Date Added
March 13, 2019
National WIC Association (2016) Statement on Progress Towards the Gold Standard. Available online:
WIC and Medicaid Collaboration Landscape Toolkit
While Medicaid historically has reached most eligible children and parents, WIC reaches less than half…
Public Charge Resources
WIC is not and has never been a factor in public charge determinations. In 2019,…
NYS WIC Program Manual
This is a list of all Current New York State WIC Program Manual Policies.