Publication Date
February 10, 2022
The State of WIC: Investing in the Next Generation
By National WIC Association
The second State of WIC report – supported by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation – highlights the experience of WIC providers and participants throughout 2021. Effective program reforms, including the WIC benefit bump and remote WIC services, have upended longstanding trends and leave WIC better positioned to deliver quality nutrition support. This report documents the strong and growing evidence base for WIC’s nutrition intervention and lays out a blueprint for how WIC can build healthier food environments by investing in the next generation.
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Date Added
February 10, 2022
WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…
Expanded Shopping Options Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…
Support the MODERN WIC Act
The More Options to Develop and Enhance Remote Nutrition in WIC Act (MODERN WIC Act),…