Publication Date
January 4, 2018
Tools / Training
Why Does WIC Need to be Engaged on Social Media?
By Schultz H
Did you know the internet is the top source of breastfeeding information for moms? This webinar included a discussion about social media, how moms engage online, and the importance of WIC having a strong digital presence.
Presenter: Hannah Shultz, National WIC Association
Webinar link is forthcoming.
Date Added
January 25, 2018
Mobile WIC Toolkit
The Mobile WIC Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to assist providers of WIC programs…
WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…
Expanded Shopping Options Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…