WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Economic Impact

Healthy Giving for Healthy Living

Clinton County Health Dept. created this poster to highlight their local work with local food pantries during the CPHMC project. This poster was presented at NWA’s Annual Conference in April […]

East St. Louis Making Health Happen

East St. Louis Health Department created this poster to highlight their initiatives with local corner stores, including improving access to fresh produce, marketing healthy messages, and hosting cooking. demonstrations. This […]

The Influence of Foodstore Access on Grocery Shopping and Food Spending

Ver Ploeg et al. (2015) examined the types of stores households usually frequent for food shopping, how they get there, and how far they travel. The study showed that about 90 percent of all households shop at large stores such as supermarkets and supercenters, and this percentage does not vary much by participation in SNAP or the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), or by income or by mode of travel to the store.