WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

WIC Vendors

Formula Marketing

In this webinar, Hope Wills provided an overview of marketing strategies used by formula companies to engage families and health care providers. Presenter: Hope Wills, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

2013 WIC Vendor Management Study

This study is part of a larger FNS effort to ensure WIC program integrity and to comply with the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (IPIA) (Public Law 107-300), which […]

WIC Vendor Peer Group Study

This study will collect information and data to identify competitive pricing strategies and vendor peer group systems, both current and ideal, that are effective at cost containment and that can be applied and potentially implemented in all States.

Assessment of WIC Vendor Management Practices – EBT Study

The electronic benefits transfer (EBT) study is designed to augment findings from the 2013 WIC Vendor Management Study, which satisfies Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 (IPERA) requirements. The EBT sub-study provides a unique opportunity to closely examine compliance among vendors in states with an EBT system. The findings will help inform the design of the next national Vendor Management study, at which time all States will have moved to EBT systems.

Indicators of High-Risk WIC Vendors in EBT States

This study will examine indicators of High-Risk WIC Vendors by identifying practices from other government and non-governmental programs in identifying high-risk vendors, developing and testing a micro-simulation model using WIC EBT data to identify high-risk WIC vendors, and identifying design specifications for a national WIC fraud detection system.