WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Recruitment Tool

DHD #10 Oceana County Rx Pad

By District Health Department #10

District Health Department #10 created this non-pharmaceutical referral pad as part of their local work on community-clinical linkages during the CPHMC project. This pad has referrals for WIC, nutrition counseling with an RD, health insurance and nutrition education.

This project sought to reduce the impact of chronic diseases in Oceana County, MI, through policy, system, and environmental strategies that improve access to healthy foods and beverages and that strengthen community and clinical linkages. The “Healthy Families of Oceana County” coalition (HFOC) collaborated with local retailers, healthcare providers, and community agencies to develop a variety of projects, including: promotional materials that encourage healthy food choices at grocery stores, food pantries, and restaurants; a “Rx for Healthy Families” prescription pad that enables healthcare providers to refer patients to the WIC program; and a comprehensive resource guide that informs residents about local services. As a result of the initiative, the HFOC coalition has helped to generate a message within the community about the impact of healthy behaviors on long-term health.

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Date Added
December 11, 2017

District Health Department #10 (2016) Prescription for Health Families in Oceana County. Available online: https://thewichub.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/2017/12/Prescription-Pad-Oceana-County-English-copy.pdf