This study evaluated the Maryland WIC Food for Life Program, a nutrition education intervention to improve healthy behaviors. Post Intervention, participants in the intervention group consumed a smaller percentage of calories from fat, more fruits and vegetables, and more fiber. There was also a dose-response relationship between the number of nutrition education sessions attended and the magnitude of change from baseline.
This study looked at the relationship between maternal health and infant dietary patterns in WIC participants in Maryland. Data from 689 mother-infant pairs revealed the following: A total of 36.5% of mothers reported introducing solids to their infants early (<4 months of age), and 40% reported adding cereal to their infant's bottle. Overall, results demonstrated that maternal mental health symptoms were associated with poorer infant-feeding practices and higher infant dietary intake during the first 6 months.
This study examines whether dietary attitudes and demographics differed, based on the smoking status among low-income women participating in a dietary intervention. Results indicated that relative to nonsmokers, current smokers reported significantly higher overall calories; higher percentages of calories from fat, sweets, and alcohol; and a lower percentage of calories from protein. Those who had never smoked and who received the dietary intervention evidenced the greatest dietary changes over time.
This study analyzed mothers reports of breastfeeding care experiences from pregnancy through infancy. The results showed that mothers often felt that the education and support they received was cursory and inadequate. Some mothers received misinformation or encountered practitioners who were hostile or indifferent to breastfeeding. Mothers were not often given referrals to available resources, even after reporting breastfeeding challenges.
The objective of this study was to assess the costs of providing support to low-income women who breastfeed, compared with savings resulting from the intervention. The results showed that the support for breastfeeding that community health nurses and peer counselors provided was partially offset by the reduced need for medical care and formula feeding costs.
This study explored whether breastfeeding patterns during the period between birth and postnatal WIC certification differed by participation in a local WIC agency that provided breastfeeding peer counselor support (PC), versus two comparison groups: the lactation consultant (LC) and standard care (SC) groups. The breastfeeding initiation rate was higher for the PC group, compared with the LC and SC groups. Participants in the PC group were also more likely to certify as exclusively and partially breastfeeding, compared with those in the LC and SC groups.
This study examines Maryland's WIC breastfeeding self-reported initiation rates by participation in one of three groups: (1) peer counselor (PC-treatment) group, (2) lactation consultant (LC) group, and (3) standard care (SC) group. Results showed that the odds of breastfeeding initiation were significantly greater among PC-exposed infants, compared with the reference group of SC infants, but not significantly different between LC and the SC infants. In the Maryland WIC Program, breastfeeding initiation rates were positively associated with peer counseling.
In this trial fifty-three African-American women were randomized into the intervention and control groups. Intervention participants retained significantly less gestational weight gain than control participants - proving that an integrated WIC and obstetrical service model is feasible and can limit postpartum weight retention in obese women.
A Maryland Department of Health WIC publication that outlines policies and procedures for selling WIC approved foods to participants in Maryland.
An official list of approved WIC foods from the Maryland Department of Health.