Publication Date
January 1, 2020
Journal Article
Relationships Between the Great Recession and Widening Maternal and Child Health Disparities: Findings from Washington and Florida
By Blakeney E, Bekemeier B, Zierler B
The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between the Great Recession in the United States and maternal and child health (MCH) disparities in prenatal care, birth weight, gestational age, and infant mortality. Using annual, 2005–2011 individual-level Washington (WA) and Florida (FL) birth certificate data, we analyzed MCH outcome rates and disparities among subpopulation component groups (e.g., subpopulation ‘maternal ethnicity’ divided into component groups such as non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black).
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Date Added
March 13, 2020
Blakeney E, Bekemeier B, Zierler B (2020). Relationships Between the Great Recession and Widening Maternal and Child Health Disparities: Findings from Washington and Florida. Race and Social Problems. Available online: