WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Resource Types: Communications

National WIC Association Social Media Toolkit

The National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit is tailored to local WIC agencies to help them with the first steps in getting on social media and practices and measures […]

From Paper to Plastic: Understanding the Impact of EBT on WIC Recipient Behavior

In this paper, authors analyze the impact the transition to WIC EBT has on enrollment, WIC benefits redemption, and non-WIC food expenditures using enrollment data for five states, and expenditure data for 17,714 households enrolled in WIC. Authors found no evidence that EBT increases the chance that eligible people enroll in the WIC program.

Statement on Progress Towards the Gold Standard

The following statement was made on September 10, 2016, at the National WIC Association’s Nutrition Education & Breastfeeding Promotion Conference in Denver, Colorado, by its then board of directors chair, […]

WIC Program Funding Process

“WIC is a domestic discretionary program under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). This means that WIC, unlike mandatory assistance programs […]

National WIC Program Data

How WIC Helps The United States of America Includes statistics on WIC participants by category, breastfeeding rates, and more for the entire United States