WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Resource Types: Toolkit

Building tech: Power your mission

Learn the basics of building technology with an overview on modularity, preparing for success, and procuring technology services.

Measuring success: Power your mission

To make sure product and program outcome success are linked, here’s a handful of measurement best practices to use during product development cycles.

Setting goals: Power your mission

Instead of purely defining goals around a functioning technology product, define what program outcomes you want the technology to help you achieve. Learn how.

Engaging Dads in WIC Toolkit

Engaged Dads have a powerfully positive impact on the health outcomes for their children. We are proud to share two products developed by the NWA Inclusion of Dads Task force. […]

WIC Food Package Report Toolkit

The National WIC Association (NWA) released a WIC food package report entitled WIC Food Package: Impacts and Recommendations to Advance Nutrition Security on the WIC Hub. NWA’s report calls for a doubling of the value […]

National Breastfeeding Month Toolkit

NWA’s Communications Team has prepared a toolkit to celebrate and honor National Breastfeeding Month for WIC agencies and clinics to post on their social media channels. We look forward to […]

CVB Increase Testimonial Toolkit

June 25th at 11 am ET, the House Agriculture Appropriations Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Subcommittee will be holding a mark-up hearing on President Biden’s […]