WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Resource Types: Tools / Training

NICU Toolkit for Hospitals & Birth Centers

NICU Toolkit for Hospitals & Birth Centers to Better Support Black Families was developed to provide hospitals and birth centers with recommendations to promote health equity and justice to better […]

NICU Toolkit for Black Families

The first toolkit entitled, NICU Toolkit for Black Families was created to provide Black families with resources to better guide and support their NICU experiences. The second toolkit entitled, NICU Toolkit for Hospitals […]

Building tech: Power your mission

Learn the basics of building technology with an overview on modularity, preparing for success, and procuring technology services.

Measuring success: Power your mission

To make sure product and program outcome success are linked, here’s a handful of measurement best practices to use during product development cycles.

Setting goals: Power your mission

Instead of purely defining goals around a functioning technology product, define what program outcomes you want the technology to help you achieve. Learn how.