Streamlined Remote Certification Options Guidance – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
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Streamlined Remote Certification Options Guidance


This new guidance document was developed in partnership with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Altarum Institute. This document spells out the steps agencies should take in certifying participants remotely, including how to document identify, residency, and income and how to verify nutritional risk eligibility. The document contains helpful suggestions for gathering the information necessary for confirming nutritional risk, specifying a correct food package category, and identifying referrals needed. All of the steps are either currently allowable under federal regulations or, if they are not, specific waiver requirements are specified. If you have any questions about this guidance, please contact Elisabet at

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Date Added
July 7, 2020

NWA (2020). Streamlined Remote Certification Options Guidance. NWA Available online: