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Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Awareness, Experience, and Access

By Huynh, D

In 2008, the Minnesota WIC Program was ranked number one in the country in serving eligible families. In recent years, Minnesota WIC has consistently ranked in the top five or ten states nationally in serving eligible families. Minnesota also serves children longer than the national average length of WIC participation for children. Wilder Research was contracted by the Minnesota Department of Health to conduct a study to help the program better understand the families who were not participating, how it might be possible to reach out to families who have not participated, and to understand the reasons why some families participate for a shorter length of time. The study began in the fall of 2012 and concluded in early 2013. This study was funded with USDA WIC Program Funds. As originally envisioned, this study was to target families who were eligible for the WIC Program yet had never participated in the Program. However, due to difficulty in locating a sufficient number of families who had never participated, the study was expanded to include families who had participated in WIC at one time.

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Date Added
May 6, 2019

Huynh D (2013) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Awareness, Experience, and Access Report prepared for  the Minnesota Department of Health WIC Program. Wilder Research, St. Paul, Minnesota. Available online: https://www.wilder.org/wilder-research/research-library/minnesota-department-health-wic-program