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WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience

By Danielle Lee, Celeste Felix, KC Fiedler, Rebeca Oropeza, Jessica Rangel, Loan Kim, Georgia Machell, Lorrene Ritchie

This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The brief recommends improving WIC smartphone applications to better align their information with vendor systems to improve users’ ability to identify and purchase WIC-approved items efficiently to reduce the stigma and difficulties participants experience while shopping for WIC foods and to increase full benefit redemption. Evidence to support this recommendation came from a 2023 survey of over 38,000 WIC participants from 19 states, one Indian Tribal Organization, and one US territory and focus groups held in 2024 with 44 WIC participants in 16 states and one Indian Tribal Organization.

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Date Added
December 2, 2024

Lee DL, Felix C, Fiedler K, Oropeza R, Rangel J, Kim L, Machell G, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. October 2024.[Full text] Available online: https://ucanr.edu/sites/NewNutritionPolicyInstitute/files/403376.pdf