Maureen Lytle"/>
WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Maureen Lytle

Social Determinants of Health: WIC Health Outcomes

The episode focuses on how public health programs in MCH have a direct impact on access to health care and resources and health outcomes. Moderator: Christina Badaracco Panelist: Lacy Fehrenbach, […]

2022 State of WIC Toolkit

The National WIC Association released a new report, The State of WIC: Investing in the Next Generation. This second annual edition of the State of WIC report looks at WIC the past year, […]

Infant Formula Crisis Social Media Toolkit

The safety and ongoing nutrition needs of infants are our primary concern throughout this formula shortage. To ease confusion and promote best practices, the National WIC Association (NWA) has created a toolkit […]

Key Messages: Spring 2023

This resource provides a concise overview of critical public education and advocacy priorities for the WIC community. Throughout Spring 2023, WIC providers should be elevating the importance of securing funding […]

Child Nutrition Reauthorization Priorities

The Child Nutrition Reauthorization process is the prime opportunity to enact WIC reforms to improve service delivery and leverage WIC’s effective intervention to address national public health priorities. A reauthorization […]