Communications – Page 7 – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub


Pinterest Quick-Start Guide

Part of the National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit, this section introduces Pinterest as a social media tool for WIC clinics and agencies, lists the basic advantages of it […]

Twitter Quick-Start Guide

Part of the National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit, this section introduces Twitter as a social media tool for WIC clinics and agencies, lists the basic advantages of it […]

Facebook Quick-Start Guide

Part of the National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit, this section introduces Facebook as a social media tool for WIC clinics and agencies, lists the basic advantages of it […]

Integrating Social Media Into Your Work

Part of the National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit, this section talks about what WIC clinics and agencies should consider before starting to be active on social media – […]

Why WIC Needs to Use Social Media

Part of the National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit, this section gives reasons WIC clinics and agencies should be using social media to communicate with and reach out to […]

National WIC Association Social Media Toolkit

The National WIC Association’s Social Media Starter Toolkit is tailored to local WIC agencies to help them with the first steps in getting on social media and practices and measures […]

Accessibility and Preferred Use of Online Web Applications Among WIC Participants with Internet Access

This study addressed the need for better understanding of WIC client use of technology, the technologies clients prefer, and how technology preferences change across WIC populations in the western region states. Authors found that: Technologies should be considered for addressing WIC clients’ needs, including use of text messaging and smartphone apps for appointments, education, and other WIC services; online scheduling and nutrition education; and a stronger Facebook presence for connecting with WIC clients and breastfeeding support.

WIC Outreach and Retention Survey Report

“The WIC program is facing caseload declines across the country. WIC participation has fallen from a high of 9.2 million participants in 2010 to a current participation level of around […]

WIC mom, Colorado

“WIC has positively impacted my life and that of my children. I am especially thankful for the wide variety of foods to pick from and that it is healthy and […]