Publication Date
February 10, 2022
Advocacy Federal Policy Food Access Innovation MIS Online ordering State Agency WIC Shopping Experience WIC Vendors
Fact Sheet
Modernizing the WIC Shopping Experience
By National WIC Association
As SNAP scales up nationwide online shopping options, WIC must swiftly innovate to provide participating families with a modern and equitable shopping experience. Two parallel projects led by USDA build on NWA and State Agency efforts to convene stakeholders, identify necessary regulatory revisions, and launch new platforms that could serve as a blueprint for scaling up online shopping solutions for WIC shoppers.
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Date Added
February 13, 2022
Mobile WIC Toolkit
The Mobile WIC Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to assist providers of WIC programs…
WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…
Expanded Shopping Options Needed to Improve WIC Participants' Shopping Experience
This policy brief encourages modernization efforts to improve the shopping experience for WIC participants. The…