WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub

Scope: Research

National Survey of WIC Participants III

Approximately every ten years, FNS conducts a nationally-representative survey of the characteristics of WIC participants and State and local agencies. The NSWP Series provides USDA with national estimates of certification- related errors and improper payments for use in USDA’s required reporting under the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 (IPERA). The NSWP series also collects information on State and local WIC Agencies’ certification-related policies and operations in order to better understand both the policies and their potential associations with error, provides statistical sample-based estimates of the size and characteristics of LWAs nationwide, and provides information from a nationally-representative sample of WIC participants about their experiences with the WIC program. The last study collected data in 2009 and was published in 2012. The next study in the series was awarded in September 2015. Data collection is anticipated to begin in 2017.

WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2: Infant Year Report

This study will provide updated information on the feeding patterns of WIC infants, with expanded information on infant and toddler feeding behaviors. To address relative effectiveness in achieving appropriate feeding patterns and behaviors, the study will measure the different approaches to nutrition education and breastfeeding promotion and support services provided by WIC and other sources. The study will identify aspects of WIC nutrition education that could influence feeding practices to address the problem of high body weight among young children in WIC. The contract funds the design, sampling and data collection through 5 years of age.

WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2: Intention to Breastfeed

This study will provide updated information on the feeding patterns of WIC infants, with expanded information on infant and toddler feeding behaviors. To address relative effectiveness in achieving appropriate feeding patterns and behaviors, the study will measure the different approaches to nutrition education and breastfeeding promotion and support services provided by WIC and other sources. The study will identify aspects of WIC nutrition education that could influence feeding practices to address the problem of high body weight among young children in WIC. The contract funds the design, sampling and data collection through 5 years of age.

WIC Food Package Costs and Cost Containment

Designed as an update to the 2003 Assessment of WIC Cost-Containment Practices, this study will incorporate changes to the WIC program that have occurred since then, including substantial revisions to food packages, expansion of EBT, and improvements in vendor management. The study will provide a census of the various cost-containment practices employed throughout State agencies, examine the impact of at least 6 cost-containment practices on WIC program goals, and ultimately develop at least 4 best practices in food package cost containment measures to be distributed to State agencies.

WIC Special Project Grants

FNS awards WIC Special Project Grants to be used for "special State projects of regional or national significance to improve the services of the program." In order to meet the statutory objectives, Special Projects need to address issues of critical and timely importance to the WIC program.

Review of WIC Food Packages: Improving Balance and Choice

The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (Section 232) requires a review of the WIC food package at least every ten years to ensure that it conforms to current nutrition science, public health concerns, and cultural eating patterns. This comprehensive scientific review updates and expands upon the 2006 IOM expert report “WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change.” FNS has again asked IOM to conduct a review of the WIC Food Packages. The primary aims of this review are to: 1) Review and assess the nutritional status and food and nutritional needs of the WIC-eligible population; 2) Provide specific, scientifically-based recommendations for the WIC food packages; and 3) Ensure that the recommendations would result in WIC Food Packages that: (a) are consistent with the most recently available edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), (b) address the health and cultural needs of the widely diverse WIC participant population, and (c) can operate efficiently and be effectively administered across the Nation.

Review of WIC Food Packages: Proposed Framework for Revisions

The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (Section 232) requires a review of the WIC food package at least every ten years to ensure that it conforms to current nutrition science, public health concerns, and cultural eating patterns. This comprehensive scientific review updates and expands upon the 2006 IOM expert report “WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change.” FNS has again asked IOM to conduct a review of the WIC Food Packages. The primary aims of this review are to: 1) Review and assess the nutritional status and food and nutritional needs of the WIC-eligible population; 2) Provide specific, scientifically-based recommendations for the WIC food packages; and 3) Ensure that the recommendations would result in WIC Food Packages that: (a) are consistent with the most recently available edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), (b) address the health and cultural needs of the widely diverse WIC participant population, and (c) can operate efficiently and be effectively administered across the Nation.

Review of WIC Food Packages: An Evaluation of White Potatoes in the Cash Value Voucher: Letter Report

The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (Section 232) requires a review of the WIC food package at least every ten years to ensure that it conforms to current nutrition science, public health concerns, and cultural eating patterns. This comprehensive scientific review updates and expands upon the 2006 IOM expert report “WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change.” FNS has again asked IOM to conduct a review of the WIC Food Packages. The primary aims of this review are to: 1) Review and assess the nutritional status and food and nutritional needs of the WIC-eligible population; 2) Provide specific, scientifically-based recommendations for the WIC food packages; and 3) Ensure that the recommendations would result in WIC Food Packages that: (a) are consistent with the most recently available edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), (b) address the health and cultural needs of the widely diverse WIC participant population, and (c) can operate efficiently and be effectively administered across the Nation.

WIC Nutrition Education Study: Phase I Report

The WIC Nutrition Education Study provides a nationally representative description of WIC nutrition education and includes a pilot of an impact study of WIC nutrition education on behavioral and physical activity outcomes in six sites. This two-phase study includes multiple modes of data collection from State agencies, local agencies, nutrition educators, and WIC participants. The multi-method approach includes the use of web surveys, paper-based surveys, telephone interviews, in-person focus groups and interviews, observations, and administrative data reviews to fully capture WIC nutrition education dosage, duration, and frequency of use by geographic distribution and local agency characteristics. Currently, the Phase I: Interim Report is under review and the study is collecting Phase II data.