Stakeholders Speak: Lessons Learned from EBT Implementation – WIC Research, Policy and Practice Hub
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Stakeholders Speak: Lessons Learned from EBT Implementation

By Bostik M, Daun K, Nagy J, Ward K

WIC EBT implementation results in benefits to many stakeholders, but can be a long and stressful effort. In 2016, two WIC Agencies reflected on their projects by asking key stakeholders about their experience and what challenges exist after implementation. Wisconsin WIC conducted interviews and surveys with State Staff, Clinic Staff, and WIC Vendors while Oregon WIC conducted interviews and surveys with Clinic Staff and WIC Vendors, interviews with State Staff and a State Staff collaborative session focusing on State level efforts. Some lessons learned that were gathered were expected and some were surprising. Lessons learned include: Education. Participant education is revised in preparation for WIC EBT implementation to cover how to use a card. While learning about changes,
staff found that many participants also needed a refresher on WIC approved foods and prescribed benefits. Program Integrity. WIC EBT does not eliminate fraud, it changes it; staff should prepare for the new ways to monitor vendors and participants. Vendor Management. Including clinic staff in live shopping at stores gives staff an invaluable experience that can be shared with participants and an opportunity for cashiers to practice. Technology. Technology changes the tools available to help resolve issues with participants and vendors. Project Management. Establishing a structure for work groups, communication and decisions fosters a team culture.

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Date Added
May 10, 2019

Bostik M, Daun K, Nagy J, Ward K (2017) Stakeholders Speak: Lessons Learned from EBT Implementation. Presentation at the 2017 NWA Technology, Program Integrity and Vendor Management Education & Networking Meeting & Exhibits, Memphis, Tennessee. Available online: