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Journal Article

Use of a mixed-method approach to evaluate the implementation of retention promotion strategies in the New York State WIC program

By Sekhobo J, Peck S, Byun Y, Allsopp M, Holbrook M, Edmunds L, Yu C

The article details several factors responsible for early exit from the WIC program including changing SES status, lack of awareness concerning eligibility, hours of operation, location, job conflicts, and food packages. Negative shopping experiences and perceived low value of food packages were recognized as the most substantial barriers to retention in the program. Evidence has shown that the greatest attrition from the program occurs by at or around 1 year of age (approx 1/3 leave). In order to combat the issue, (3) strategies were pilot-tested within NY State WIC clinics to assess impact on WIC participants’ shopping experiences in particular, and to evaluate their implementation to see whether these strategies can be effectively used elsewhere.

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Date Added
May 6, 2019

Sekhobo J, Peck S, Byun Y, Allsopp M, Holbrook M, Edmunds L, Yu C (2017) Use of a mixed-method approach to evaluate the implementation of retention promotion strategies in the New York State WIC program Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning Vol. 63. pp 7 - 17. Available online: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Use+of+a+mixed-method+approach+to+evaluate+the+implementation+of+retention+promotion+strategies+in+the+New+York+State+WIC+program.