The survey, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, assessed WIC participant satisfaction across multiple states (Arkansas, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, […]
The Applied Research Framework aims to help external researchers (e.g., academic or nonprofit researchers) plan, communicate, execute and disseminate research related to WIC. This framework provides a checklist to guide […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: NSCH is a random sampling of 300,000 households, and is a repeated cross-sectional survey. It is a repeated cross-sectional survey. Latest year available (2021) had […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: ASEC is nationally representative, repeated cross-sectional dataset. Approximately 95,000 households were sampled in 2022. Dataset Description: The ASEC Supplement provides the usual monthly labor force […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: Nationally Representative, repeated cross-sectional. Each sample contains 1,000 to 3,000 women per participating site in the study. However, detailed data information requires a request for […]
Data sampling and sample size: Nationally representative, repeated cross-sectional survey of approximately 5,000 US residents. Dataset description: NHANES is the largest health and nutritional survey in the United States, and […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: Dataset is at the regional, state and county level. The atlas has over 280 The atlas does not have individual data. Rather, it pulls together […]
Ag Commons: Data Sampling and Sample Size: National longitudinal study. Caregivers and their children from 80 WIC sites across 27 states remained eligible to participate in the study regardless […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: Data is not directly collected for this dataset, but rather existing datasets are used to produce estimates of WIC eligibility. For the 2016–2020 estimates presented […]
Data Sampling and Sample Size: WIC participants; dataset consists of a census of WIC participants with active certifications from all 89 WIC state agencies during April 2020. Dataset Description: WIC […]